A note from the founders of Hitching Post Ministries Brad and Erica Davis
As of July 26, 2019 - Brad and I have been at the ranch for one year. After living in San Clemente for 22 years, the change has been from beach life to ranch life and only 30 minutes from our regular living. In the year prior to our move God was impressing upon me in my quiet time with Him, "what is my love costing you?" I had been praying,"Lord, teach me to use my time, talents, and gifts to make the biggest impact for your kingdom." In the past, I had chosen where and how much to give. Honestly, my giving was based on not really changing my lifestyle, my comfort, or my resources. In choosing to ask God where He wanted me to give, to impact His kingdom was new to me.
I believe when you release your whole life into God's hand, His dreams for you are bigger than you could ever dream for yourself. Brad and I are trusting Him at every turn because we're doing things we've never done before. The dream that was planted in a 9 years old girl took sprout 40 years later: "Someday I would like a ranch where kids could come and know the love of Jesus and play with horses."
Only out of true love- the love of Jesus Christ - can a dream be rescued. We are praising Him with the story that He is writing, not only for us but for all who come to Hitching Post Ranch. Immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine. Eph. 3:20

Hitching Post Ministries is a faith based 501(c)3 Non Profit.
Our Mission: To connect hurting children with rescued horses to find hope and healing
Our Goal: To provide a path of hope and healing. We use activities such as horsemanship, gardening, woodworking crafts, arts and crafts, and lots of games to engage with children that come to the Ranch of Rescued Dreams.
Our unique activities are done with: One Mentor • One Child • One Horse
Each child receives 90 minutes of personalized time building trust, boundaries, communication and leadership. Our program is developed for Children in crisis such as anxiety and depression, loss of loved one, sexual, physical or emotional abuse, foster care or adoption, violence at home, school or community, attempt or contemplate suicide, or self harm.
Our volunteer mentors receive training in Trust Based Relationship Intervention (TBRI) (www.child.tcu.edu).
"When you connect to the heart of the child, everything is possible," -Dr. Karyn Purvis, PhD
We are not a therapy program, we simply believe in the hope of Jesus Christ and pray for each individual that enters the ranch. The one on one attention exchange with the child simply displays their worth and value. Our hope is to encourage each individual to take the next step in their journey to wholeness.
You can support Hitching Post Ministries through a variety of ways: giving monetarily. donate an item, sponsor a horse, become a volunteer mentor, Serve Day's at the ranch as a family or small group by keeping the ranch chores done so that the attention is on the children. These Serve Day's are done the first Saturday of every month. Or you can Join the prayer Team for HPM.
Other activities the ranch offers for profit are:
1- Solitude Days - scheduled days throughout the year to get away and seek the Lord's direction. $35 - breakfast, snacks and lunch included
2 - Team Building/Leadership Training - schedule a staff bonding day at the ranch (personalized program available). Teams: 6 - 15 people. $20 per person - for 3 hour (price change for more time).
3 - Wrangler Lessons - riding lessons available by appointment - 90 minute session for $60 Western horsemanship for arena riding and overall horse care and management.
Contact us if you'd like to join us in the Ministry or if you have any questions.
We believe that the dream of that 9 year old girl lives in each of us. Let's build a strong community - TOGETHER!!
Ranch Donor Update July 2018 - July 2019
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure! -Hebrews 6:19
When we moved in July 2018 we were quickly evacuated due to Holy Fire (what they were calling it) and out winter months were drenched in rain and super bloom, ladybug swarm. Many first's for Hitching Post this year. We've had our 2 horses donated, Oreo and Cisco. We've launched our website and social media. We were approved by the IRS for tax exemption. HOORAY! We have acquired Insurance too. Yippee! We've held 50 tours, 6 serve days, 9 Solitude Retreats, 4 Speaking Engagements, and 9 one on one sessions. We have a horse trainer and an operations manager. We are building our monthly donor ship program. And have had several one time givers thus far. Just this summer we have hosted many families willing to serve and now have confirmed 7 people desiring to become mentors for the program. God continues to build and provide. We also have an amazing prayer team designated to praying for events, people and needs. We are so grateful for the support and foundational grounding.