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The Founders, Board of Directors and staff of Hitching Post Ministries believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God, He is our Savior, our Redeemer, and coming King. We believe the Bible is the breathed Word of God, perfect in every word and without error. It is our greatest desire to serve the Father by the demonstration of our faith through action. Faith on the ranch is expressed through “living example” to those we work with. It is our highest honor to serve children and families of all backgrounds with the same loving grace that has so freely been given to us. As a result of this foundation, all of our programs and training are structured accordingly. We seek to live out our statement of faith through the following avenues:


(Mark 12:30) We choose to give God our heart, soul, mind and strength. The ranch founders, directors, leaders (those teaching and mentoring participants) are pursuing a living, growing, evidential and personal relationship with Jesus Christ through daily time in God’s Word, prayer and worship. We are purposely turning from all that leads us away from God’s presence and are actively turning toward personal purity and an unbridled commitment to Him. We are committed to receive, rely on and be led by the Holy Spirit. Our existence is unto God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. Everything else is second. All other programs, certifications, degrees, therapies and compiled wisdom of men are good tools that can be effective when submitted under the ultimate authority of Christ. However, the wisdom of men cannot equal or supersede the eternal redemptive power of Jesus’ saving grace. (Eph. 1:19-23).


(Prov. 3:5-7a, Mark 4:24-25) In every circumstance we commit to seek God for wisdom, listen for His answer and, through the power and leadership of the Holy Spirit, we commit to carry out His sovereign plan.


(1 John 4:9-11) With a daily outward perspective, we commit to cultivate an environment which shepherds the Fathers love, the redemption of His Son and the filling of the Holy Spirit with everyone we encounter.


(Rom. 1:16, Col. 1:28) We do not mask, bury or seclude the Gospel message in anything we write, do or say. We commit to the incalculable privilege of sharing His hope in every kind, quiet, beautiful, bold way He desires.


We are a CHARG Organization—(Christ-centered Horse and Rider Gatherings—founded by Hitching Post Ministries):


A. Christ Centered

(John 14:6, John 1:1-5) Through unique, beautiful and creative means, everything we do points to the healing redemption of our Savior. While outwardly beneficial, equine therapy of any kind exists in full submission to the inward healing and eternity altering salvation that is found only in Jesus Christ.


B. Horse

(Zech. 1:7-10, Job 39:19-25) Horses cannot redeem, but they can embody the message of redemption. They are the primary vehicle by which the love, hope and healing of Jesus is shared. Although horses are our primary choice, occasionally utilizing other ranch animals with these same time-tested principles has also proven successful in reaching the broken.



(Matt. 11:28-30) Whether from a distance, side by side, on the ground or in the saddle, the hearts of the hurting are encouraged to experience the love of God through interaction with a horse.


D. Gathering

(Matt. 18:20) This vastly unique and individual time is reflective of the current needs of every visitor, rider and horse. The gathering is directed by the Holy Spirit through each leader, founder and Board Member.


(Matt. 5:15-16, Luke 12:8-9) Our highest purpose is to share the same message that is healing and redeeming us: the Gospel of Christ. Apart from this saving truth, there is no eternal hope, healing or redemption. Jesus’ loving salvation is the only true restorative treasure we can offer the world.


(2 Tim. 2:15, Matt. 28:19-20) In our daily walk, we commit to actively model and clearly communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are devoted to—teaching kids to teach kids—the values of Heaven, the power of His presence and the certainty of His salvation.

(2 Tim. 2:15, Matt. 28:19-20) In our daily walk, we commit to actively model and clearly communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are devoted to—teaching kids to teach kids—the values of Heaven, the power of His presence and the certainty of His salvation.

Child riding horse
Ranch horses looking over fence q
Team and Horses
Teen riding horse

Hitching Post Ministries is considered a Similar Ministry by: Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch

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